List of Degrassi: The Next Generation characters

This is a list of characters from the Canadian teen drama series Degrassi, previously named Degrassi: The Next Generation, which airs on MuchMusic (previously CTV) in Canada, and TeenNick (formerly 'The-N') in the United States. These lists are in alphabetical order by first name, see also List of Degrassi: The Next Generation characters by last name.




Name Actor Seasons featured
Adam Torres Jordan Todosey 10–present
Born Gracie, Adam is a female to male transgender teenager; Adam is Drew's stepbrother.[1] He comes out to Clare and Eli, and after being outed, Fitz and Owen to violently eject him from the boys' bathroom. Overwhelmed with pressures from his family and peers, Adam briefly detransitions to Gracie, but resorts to burning himself to cope with his gender dysphoria. Thereafter, he resumes living as a boy, and becomes close friends with Clare and Eli. Adam dates Fiona, but realizes that she has a serious drinking problem. After she successfully completes rehab, they get back together, but Adam then realizes she wants a girl. He becomes friends with radio cohost Dave, and accidentally gets shot at prom.
Alexandra "Alex" Nuñez Deanna Casaluce 3–4 (recurring); 5–6 (regular); 7 (guest appearances)
Originally, she was poor, violent, and an outcast who came from an awful home life. She was a tough female at Degrassi who hung out with Sean Cameron and Jay Hogart. Her exterior softened as she befriended Ellie, Marco, and others, eventually having a rocky lesbian relationship with Paige Michalchuk in season 5. Although graduating with the class of 2006, she goes back to Degrassi to receive more credits. She becomes a stripper to prevent her family from being evicted. Her mom uses the money to bail her boyfriend out of jail who caused the impending eviction. She eventually gives it up for Paige and herself. She rooms with Paige, Marco, and Ellie, but Paige kicks her out after almost ruining her fashion internship. She is last seen going to stay with a cousin.
  • Did not appear in the opening credits for seasons 3–4, yet was still a major character.
Alliah "Alli" Bhandari Melinda Shankar 8-present
Alli is Sav's younger sister and Clare Edwards' best friend. She rebels against her conservative Muslim upbringing. She develops a crush on Johnny and asks him out, but he rejects her. Because she is in the ninth grade, they date secretly until Holly J. blows their cover, and Johnny breaks up with her. She makes an "I Hate Holly J." group online that gets her in trouble with her parents and the police. She eventually gets back with Johnny and they have sex. She breaks up with him because of the discomfort of having sex, but they get back together when he says he wanted to wait until she was ready, and that she was the first girl he had been with. They break up after Johnny sends a nude picture of Alli to Bruce. She becomes jealous of Jenna when she becomes close with Clare, but the three become friends until Jenna steals K.C. from Clare. Alli develops a crush on Drew and pursues him, ending up in a official relationship, but it ends after he cheats. After upsetting her parents she decides all her problems are because of boys, and transfers to an all-girls school. After an argument with Sav, Alli runs away to Johnny. She doesn't make it on her own, and returns home and to Degrassi. She develops a gambling problem while getting into a relationship with Dave. The relationship and the gambling problem end at the same time.
Anya MacPherson Samantha Munro 7 (recurring); 8-11 (regular)
Anya was Holly J.'s best friend and often complied with whatever Holly J. told her to do. Mia tries to convince Anya to see what a bad friend Holly J. is, but Anya disagrees. She eventually sees the truth, and ends their friendship. She has an on-and-off relationship with Sav, mostly due to his family's beliefs. She starts LARPing when she gets bored with watching Sav rehearse with his band. During a spring formal at Degrassi, she convinces Sav to have sex in the limo to keep him away from his arranged wife. She befriends Riley and is the second person he comes out to. She encourages him to ask out Zane, a fellow classmate in their yoga class. Holly J. convinces her to fake a pregnancy to drop Sav out of the presidential election, but the plan backfires when they use the pregnancy to increase Sav's votes, securing him the student presidency. She ultimately breaks up with Sav after he lies to his mother to hide their relationship again. Her mother is diagnosed with cancer, and she tries to date her mother's doctor, but her feelings are unrequited. She takes a CPR class with Owen, where she feels uncomfortable with him. She gets rejected by the only college she applies to (Toronto University), and has a one-night stand with Owen, which turns into a relationship. To deal with her problems, she develops a cocaine addiction which has a negative effect on her and Owen's relationship, but it gets repaired.
Ashley Kerwin Melissa McIntyre 1–4 (regular); 5 (guest appearance); 6–7 (recurring)
Toby's step-sister. She was popular, and at the top of her classes, until she took ecstasy and damaged her relationship with Jimmy and most of her friends. She goes Goth and rekindles her relationship with Jimmy in season 2, but breaks up with him when she realizes he doesn't like her new style. She dates Craig until he cheats on her with Manny in season 3, resulting in Manny becoming pregnant, which she announces to the school. She befriends Craig and joins his band Downtown Sasquatch until she is kicked out by the band. Craig informs her it was all for her and they rekindle their relationship. Craig proposes to her. She refuses, resulting in the discovery of his bipolar disorder in season 4. They continue dating when she moves to England to work with her dad. She breaks up with him via email when she meets a guy named Allister. She returns to Degrassi in season 6 to finish school. She rekindles her relationship with Jimmy. She almost gets discovered with a friend of Ellie's, but her talent is hidden when Jimmy's is spotlighted, resulting in their ultimate break up. She goes on a road trip with Emma, Manny, and Liberty. She sees Craig performing at a Purple Dragon concert and leaves school to tour with him in Europe.
  • Did not appear in the opening credits during seasons 6–7, yet still was a major character.
Bianca DeSousa Alicia Josipovic 10-present
Bianca is a mysterious girl, categorized as a slut around the school. She has admitted to underage drinking and having a criminal record. She has drug connections, and sells diet pills to Jenna. She aggressively comes on to Drew, provoking jealousy from Alli. This culminates in Bianca giving Drew a blow job. She continues to pursue Drew, and they start dating, to the chagrin of his mother. An ex-boyfriend of hers, Anson, stalks her, and attempts to rape her. Drew attempts to save her, and Bianca ends up killing Anson. Anson's fellow gang member, Vince, sends threats of payback to Drew and Bianca, so Drew tells law officials he killed Anson, and Bianca has sex with Vince. Drew then ends the relationship claiming that Bianca causes too much drama.
Blue Chessex Jordan Hudyma 8–9
He is a relaxed, artsy guy who calls himself Blue. Holly J. becomes interested in him and they form a relationship. She plans to have sex with him but he rejects her, leaving her to feel negative about herself. They get back together when he saves her life in a robbery at The Dot. During season 9, he tries to change Holly J. which results in their ultimate breakup. He doesn't have trouble moving on and is open to other girls. He is last seen getting a girl's phone number at a school carnival.
Bruce the Moose Natty Zavitz 7 (recurring); 8–9 (regular)
A friend of Johnny and Derek's, he is the typical bully, and is on the football team. He makes fun of several students at Degrassi any chance he gets. He catches Dave pouring urine all over his locker. He threatens Dave to meet him after school the next day. Dave tries to make peace with Bruce, and although Bruce doesn't beat him up, he throws a water balloon filled with urine at him. Johnny starts to avoid Bruce, which initiates a fight between the two. In season 9 Johnny refers to him as "Mr. Two Credits Shy." In season 9 he fights with Johnny over an older woman, but they soon make up. He does not appear in season 10 and it is unclear if he graduated.
  • Appears in the opening credits for seasons 8–9, yet had no major storyline.
Chantay Black Jajube Mandiela 4–7 (recurring); 8-11 (regular)
A member of the Power Squad and a friend of Darcy, Leia, and other students. She develops a crush on Chester Hosoda-Bloom in season 4. She is the writer of The Anti-Grape Vine Blog, and is known as the gossip queen of Degrassi. She convinced Leia to break up with Danny, claiming that it would help their relationship, however she had feelings for him as well. She tries to get them back together, but fails when Danny informs her he has feelings for her too. He's offended when she refers to him as "another student" in her blog, after he made her pay the bill on a date. In twelfth grade she is the captain of the cheer squad, and she denies Alli a position after leading her to believe that she could join.
  • She has had a longer time–span of recurring status before becoming a regular than any other character.
Clare Edwards Aislinn Paul 6–7 (guest appearances); 8-present (regular)
Clare is Darcy's younger sister and Alli's best friend. She is briefly seen and mentioned in seasons 6 and 7. At first, Clare's sole reason for being at Degrassi is to learn. She begins to change after she meets K.C. and is caught with a stolen vibrator in class. She develops a crush on K.C., who likes her as well. She informs him she's not ready for a relationship. They form a relationship after she deals with her discomfort, after finding out he lives in a group home. Principal Sheppard calls her a bitch for protesting against him after being rude to the advanced classes. She befriends new student Jenna until she steals K.C. from her, resulting in the end of their friendship. She stops wearing glasses after laser eye surgery. She meets Eli, and develops feelings for him when he helps to deal with her parents fighting. She and Eli are the first students to find out Adam is transgendered. Clare and Eli get matching piercings to upset her parents, who she has learned are thinking about divorce; they eventually do. She tells Eli they need to take a break because she feels suffocated, but he doesn't understand. She ditches Eli at their special meeting spot, and he crashes his car in hopes that she will visit him in the hospital. When Clare figures out his motives, she calls him manipulative, and ends their relationship. She gets angry when Eli shows no emotion about their breakup, only to learn he is on anti-anxiety medication. Clare gets on the school newspaper, but is assigned to Eli's play. She begins a relationship with Jake, her mother's boyfriend's son; they break-up after their parents get engaged.
Connor DeLaurier A.J. Saudin 8-present
Connor is the god-son to Archie "Snake" Simpson and Christine "Spike" Nelson. He has Asperger syndrome. He befriends K.C., Alli, and develops a crush on Clare, but he comes to the conclusion that she likes K.C. He starts the band The Three Tenners, as a DJ for them. He becomes addicted to an online roleplaying game, and forms a relationship with a middle-aged woman whom he plays with. They meet in real life twice, despite Dave and Wesley's attempts to steer him away, until he realizes they are right. He starts to steal underwear from Miss Oh, Fiona, and other girls at Degrassi, which leads to him being suspended.
Craig Manning Jake Epstein 2–5 (regular); 6–8 (recurring)
Craig is Angie's half-brother. He was often abused by his father until he moves in with Joey, a used car salesman. He tries to rekindle his relationship with his father, until his father punches Craig outside of a restaurant after Craig refuses to move back in with him. Craig finds out the next day that his father died in a car accident overnight. He is the co-founder and lead singer of the band Downtown Sasquatch. He rekindles his relationship with Ashley and proposes to her, but she refuses, resulting in the discovery of his bipolar disorder. They continue dating until she breaks up with him via email after she leaves to work with her dad in England, and meets a new guy named Alli. Ellie develops a crush on him, but he ignores her over Manny. He moves out of Toronto in season 5. It is revealed that he has a cocaine addiction when he returns in season 6. He was seen performing at a Purple Dragon concert in Smithdale. Ashley leaves with him to tour Europe. In the film Degrassi Goes Hollywood, Ellie runs into him in Los Angeles, and it is revealed that he has been in rehab and has a new girlfriend, much to the disappointment of Ellie, who still has feelings for him. The two share a kiss at the end of the film at an airport.
  • Did not appear in credits during season 6, yet was still a major guest appearing character.
Damian Hayes Mazin Elsadig 6 (recurring); 7 (regular)
Damian was introduced as Lakehurst's student council president in season 6. He hooks up with Manny Santos the night of J.T.'s death. He has a relationship with Emma Nelson in season 7, but he breaks up with her because she takes the relationship too seriously. They get back together, but he develops an attraction to Liberty Van Zandt. He eventually cheats on Emma with Liberty, resulting in their ultimate breakup. He graduates Degrassi in season 7, and attends college at Banting.
Daniel "Danny" Van Zandt Dalmar Abuzeid 4–6 (recurring); 7–9 (regular)
Danny is Liberty Van Zandt's younger brother. He is J.T. Yorke's best friend in season 4. He is the third person to find out about Liberty's pregnancy in season 5. He gets into a fight in season 7 when some Lakehurst students mock J.T.'s death. He is framed for shoplifting by best friend Derek after he becomes close with a girl Derek had a crush on. He starts dating Mia in season 8 until he finds out that she slept with a celebrity to further her modeling career. Danny eventually rekindles his friendship with Derek. He starts dating Leia, who lies about her persona to impress him. He confronts her and tells her that he loves her for who she is. Chantay convinces Leia to break up with him, claiming that it will improve their relationship, but Chantay has feelings for him as well. Chantay tries to get them back together, but he informs Chantay that he has feelings for her too, and they agree to wait before dating. He is offended when Chantay refers to him as "another student" in her blog. She writes a nasty blog about him when he makes her pay the bill on a date. He graduates from Degrassi in season 9, and attends college.
Darcy Edwards Shenae Grimes 4–5 (recurring); 6–7 (regular); 8 (guest appearances)
Darcy was a straight-laced Christian and was a member of the school Christian group and Friendship Club, and the leader of the Spirit Squad. She dates Spinner in season 5 and tries to convert him into a born-again virgin. She posts risqué photos of herself online in season 6 that attracts a 40-year-old man who tries to physically contact her. Spinner breaks up with her because of her hypocritical behavior. Afterwards, she develops a relationship with Peter. In season seven, she is raped at a snowboarding party and contracts chlamydia. After the discovery she tries to commit suicide, and is put in counseling to deal with her issues. She eventually has sex with Peter. She accuses Archie Simpson of inappropriate behavior, which results in an investigation and his temporary suspension from Degrassi. Darcy eventually rebuilds her spirit and is forgiven by most of her friends. She moves to Kenya in season 8 for a semester to study, leaving Peter behind. She often writes him and sends him gifts.
  • It was said in "Fight the Power" she would return for the second semester (season 9), but has not appeared.
  • Did not appear in the opening credits for seasons 4–5, yet was still a major character.
David "Dave" Turner Jahmil French 9-present
Chantay's cousin. His main goal at Degrassi is to "rise to the top." Bruce catches him pouring urine all over his locker, then threatens Dave to meet him after school the next day. He tries to make peace with Bruce, but although Bruce doesn't beat him up, he throws a water balloon filled with urine at him. He is on the basketball team and makes a game-winning shot that makes him popular. He tries to date Jenna, but she tells him that she's not interested in him. She agrees to make a scene in front of the basketball team that he broke up with her. He develops feelings for Alli, but they decide to remain friends. He forms a band with Wesley and Connor, called "The Three Tenners", as lead vocals. He tries to suck up to the new media teacher, Miss Oh, but fails, later realizing that she cannot choose a favourite student. He is initially embarrassed that his father is a police officer. He dates a girl named Sadie but has feelings for Alli, which causes Sadie to break up with him.
Declan Coyne Landon Liboiron 9-10
Declan is Fiona Coyne's twin brother. He is rich, and usually calm and conceited. He humiliates Peter at a party in his mansion that he invited Peter and Mia to, resulting in Peter getting addicted to crystal meth. He develops an attraction to Jane, resulting in Jane cheating on Spinner Mason with Declan. Jane breaks up with him after Holly J. convinces her not to break Spinner's heart. Holly J. develops an attraction to him, and they eventually start dating. She tells him she loves him after they almost have sex. He doesn't reply. His mother announces that they are moving back to New York, much to his disappointment. He tries to convince his mother to stay, and he finally tells Holly J. he loves her. He submits a video to a broadcasting network in New York for Holly J., who gladly accepts the internship offer. The following school year, he attends Vanderbilt Prep in New York. With a long-distance relationship with Holly J., he offers her money to remedy her financial woes, but she breaks up with him. He then shows up at Degrassi in hopes of rebuilding his relationship with Holly J., and ends up hooking up with her after his sister, Fiona, gets drunk and Holly J. agrees to help her. He later finds out that Holly J. did not want to have sex, which results in their ultimate breakup.
Derek Haig Marc Donato 5–6 (recurring); 7–8 (regular)
Derek mocks Jimmy's basketball coaching in season 5. It is revealed that he is adopted. He is best friends with Danny until he frames Danny for shoplifting after he becomes close with a girl Derek develops a crush on. He joins the football team in season 8. He bullies teammate Jane because of her female appearance. He is last seen eventually rekindling his friendship with Danny.
Andrew "Drew" Torres Luke Bilyk 10-present
He is Adam's stepbrother, and son of Audra Torres. He transfers to Degrassi to protect Adam, if Adam's transgender secret were to come out, which it does. He tries out for the football team, and becomes Riley's rival for quarterback. He is tied to the flagpole in an act of hazing, but later becomes friends with Riley. Drew is pursued by Alli for a relationship, but he makes many excuses as to why he does not want a girlfriend before finally committing to her as her boyfriend. He allows Bianca to perform oral sex on him while in a relationship with Alli, which results in their break-up. He starts to date Bianca, after realizing that no other girl wants to date him. Drew attacks a gang member that is about to rape her, which lead to Bianca killing him. Drew later turns himself in, and files a restraining order on Vince, a gang member who threatens him. Listening to his mother's advice, he breaks up with Bianca, because she causes too much drama in his life. He is beaten by a gang, and develops posttraumatic stress disorder. Later on he beats up Vince and has him arrested by telling his ex girlfriend Bianca.
Elijah "Eli" Goldsworthy Munro Chambers 10-present
Always seen wearing all black, and driving a hearse, other Degrassi students believe he has an obsession with death. He develops feelings for Clare after they become partners in their English class. Befriending Adam, he tries to stand up to Fitz's bullying by giving him a fake ID with the name of a wanted arsonist and calling the police, resulting in Fitz getting arrested. After becoming distant with Clare, he tells her how his ex-girlfriend died right after an argument they had. He and Clare have an official relationship shortly after. At an end-of-semester event, Eli taints Fitz's drink, causing him to vomit. Fitz then threatens Eli with a knife, resulting in Fitz being arrested. Clare wants to spend the night with him because her parents are fighting, but he doesn't let her. She then finds out he is a hoarder, and he doesn't want her to give up on him. He becomes overprotective of Clare, when Fitz tries to talk to her. She wants them to take a break, and Eli crashes his hearse, thinking that she would come back. However, she calls him manipulative, and leaves him. He takes anti-anxiety pills, causing him to show no emotion toward he and Clare's breakup. He writes a play falsely based on his relationship with Clare, originally as bad, but then makes her the hero. He realizes he is bipolar soon after.
Eleanor "Ellie" Nash Stacey Farber 2 (recurring); 3–7 (regular); 8 (guest appearance)
Ellie was originally a Goth whose father goes on an Army tour in Afghanistan, leaving her with her mother who suffers from alcoholism. She starts deliberately cutting herself with the point of a drawing compass. She begins a fake relationship with Marco Del Rossi after he comes out to her to mask his homosexuality from his friends in season 2. She receives help for her self-hurting behavior after Paige Michalchuk tells the counselor in season 3. She starts dating Sean Cameron and eventually moves in with him after her mother accidentally sets their apartment on fire, because of her alcoholism. He moves to Wasaga Beach in season 4, resulting in their breakup. She develops a crush on Craig Manning, however she is ignored when he rekindles his relationship with Manny Santos. She graduates Degrassi in season 5 with the class of 2006. She attends Toronto University and rooms with Paige, Marco, and Griffin, and acts as a journalist at the school newspaper, The Core. She was one of the few who discovered Craig's cocaine addiction in season 6. She starts dating Jesse until she discovers Caitlin Ryan making out with him in season 7. She almost has sex with Marco during a blackout. She and her roommates all decide to move out and go on with their lives. In the film Degrassi Goes Hollywood, she and Marco are invited to visit Paige in Los Angeles, after she scores an acting career. She discovers that her father is back from Afghanistan and suffering with post traumatic stress disorder. She surprisingly runs into Craig in the streets, who has been to rehab and is no longer touring with Ashley. She later discovers that Craig has a new girlfriend, much to her disappointment. However, the two share a passionate kiss at the airport. Marco finally convinces Ellie to visit her father at the end of the film.
  • Did not appear in the opening credits during season 2, was still a major character, along with Marco.
Emma Nelson Miriam McDonald 1–9
Daughter of Christine "Spike" Nelson (who gave birth to Emma in between the second and third season of Degrassi Junior High) and is best friends with Manny Santos throughout the show's entire run. Emma is smart, determined, and idealistic, sometimes to a fault. She champions a broad range of causes, such as protecting the environment, boycotting genetically modified food, and she even goes nude for a cause in season 7. Archie "Snake" Simpson marries her mom in season 2, much to the discomfort that she eventually overcomes. She dates Sean Cameron from season 1 to 3. She contracts gonorrhea after performing oral sex on Jay Hogart in season 4. She develops an eating disorder and is diagnosed with anorexia and bulimia in season 5. She rekindles her relationship with Sean and even has a pregnancy scare in season 6. Sean leaves for Afghanistan instead of attending college, resulting in their ultimate breakup. She starts dating Damian in season 7, until he cheats on her with Liberty Van Zandt. She graduates Degrassi in season 7, and attends Smithdale University with Manny and Liberty. She starts dating roommate Kelly after he nullifies the "no dating roommates" rule. She puts her and her roommates' stay at Smithdale University at risk when she bakes weed brownies. Kelly takes the blame and is forced to leave the residence hall. She appears in season 9 on a cycling tour and it is revealed that she has gone from being a vegetarian to being vegan. Kelly breaks up with her after taking a job with his dad, as well as Emma being too controlling. She isn't doing well in school and decides to take a break from university. In the film Degrassi Takes Manhattan, she returns to Toronto for the summer and accidentally sets The Dot on fire while taking Spinner's shift. After discovering his breakup with Jane, she tries to comfort him and takes him to a casino. After winning over $2,000 at a casino, they become inebriated and get married. After multiple tries to get a divorce, they realize that they love each other and have a celebration to recommit their vows.
  • She is one of four original characters to remain on the show until season 9.
  • Although credited as a regular in Season 9, she only appeared on 1 episode and Degrassi Takes Manhattan.
Fiona Coyne Annie Clark 9-present
Declan Coyne's twin sister. She is rich, fashionable, and sometimes rude to other students, such as Holly J. Sinclair. She has a mood disorder, believed to be borderline personality disorder, and exhibits behaviours including a fear of being alone and has unstable personal relationships. She starts dating Riley as an opposition towards Dave, who tries to ask her out. She develops an attraction to him, although she becomes suspicious of his sexuality. They break up after Riley calls her a bitch, because she tells him "he can't cure homosexuality." She and Declan move back to New York City and attend Vanderbilt Prep, where she starts dating Bobby Breckinridge. Bobby becomes abusive and cheats on her with his ex-girlfriend, causing her to fall into a depression, and secretly takes a flight back to Toronto. After Holly J. informs Fiona's mother, her mother decides to let her stay at Degrassi, and she and Holly J. become close friends. Fiona becomes stressed when she must testify against Bobby and self-medicates with champagne. After convincing from Holly J, Fiona takes her prescribed medication and is able to cope with the trial. She later returns to Degrassi and seems to show interest in Adam Torres. She heads to rehab for her alcoholism after an intervention from her mother, Holly J., and Adam. After exiting rehab, she goes to court to face Bobby in trial. She wins the case, and in the heat of the celebratory moment, kisses Holly J. on the lips. Upon returning to Degrassi she attempts to continue dating Adam until he realizes her preference for girls. When Fiona contemplates this, she discovers that she is in love with Holly J., and reveals her discovery to Holly J. and Anya. She begins a friendship with a girl named Charlie, inviting her to live with her, this lasts until they realize the do not know each other. She is elected to direct the school play, written by Eli Goldsworthy.
Hazel Aden Andrea Lewis 1–2 (recurring); 3–5 (regular)
Hazel is a member of the Power Squad and Paige Michalchuk's best friend. She is popular, and occasionally catty towards other girls. She is insecure about her Muslim heritage, which is revealed in season 2. She dates Jimmy Brooks from seasons 3–5. She almost loses her friendship with Paige because of her hatred towards Alex Nuñez. She graduates Degrassi in season 5 with the class of 2006 and attends a college outside of Toronto.
  • Did not appear in the opening credits during seasons 1–2, but still played a major role.
Holly Jeanette "Holly J." Sinclair Charlotte Arnold 7-present
Holly J. Sinclair is portrayed as rude, sarcastic, and sometimes cruel to other students at Degrassi, but she is also insecure and is sometimes hurt by others' opinions towards her. She is unseen character Heather Sinclair's younger sister. She insists on being called Holly J. rather than Holly. She develops a crush on Toby Isaacs, but their relationship is short-lived. She is best friends with Anya MacPherson until Anya realizes how abusive Holly J. is towards her. She starts dating Blue Chessex, but she is rejected after she tries to lose her virginity to him, causing her to feel negative about herself. She becomes best friends with Jane Vaughn, and is the one to reveal to Jane that Spinner did not make it into the police academy. She reveals that she loves Spinner after he is shot by a robber at The Dot, but he nicely rejects her feelings at the hospital. She gets back with Blue after he saves her life at the robbery. She breaks up with him because he tries to change her. She develops a crush on Declan Coyne and finds out that Jane is cheating on Spinner with him, but she convinces Jane to break up with Declan because she will break Spinner's heart. Holly J. eventually starts dating Declan. She tells him she loves him before they have sex for the first time, but he doesn't reply. After his mom tells him and Fiona that they're moving back to New York, Fiona is the one to tell Holly J. in spite of her hatred towards her. Holly J. walks in on Declan trying to convince his mom to let him stay with Holly J., and he finally tells Holly J. he loves her. In Degrassi Takes Manhattan, during her internship in New York during the summer, Fiona tries to take her job and the two feud, but they become best friends after Fiona moves back to Toronto. She loses her spot as student council president to Sav as well. She joined an SAT prep course using $2,000 that she stole from Fiona's bank account after finding out her password. When Fiona finds out about it she is furious with Holly J. but forgives her after she apologizes. Holly J. and Declan's long-distance relationship hits a snag when she believes he is cheating on her. However, he ends up coming to visit her instead. They break up when Holly J. becomes uncomfortable when Declan starts buying and offering to pay for things for her. Sav begins to develop a crush on Holly J., even kissing her, but she tells him that it cannot work out. When she reciprocates the feelings, they begin to secretly date, but the secret does not last long. Later, she becomes very ill, but ignores it, which causes her to experience kidney failure. She is then put on a treatment of dialysis. When she goes to New York with Fiona so she can testify against Bobby, Fiona wins, leading to Fiona kissing Holly J. After deciding she isn't in love with Sav, she breaks up with him. She is diagnosed with a kidney disease, and needs to have a transplant, causing her to find out she is adopted.
Imogen Moreno Christine Prosperi 11–present
Energetic and obsessive over Eli, she and Eli show some interest in one another. She does whatever it takes to be with Eli although he still has feelings for Clare.
Jake Martin Justin Kelly 11–present
A straightforward guy, he is a family friend of Clare. Who begins a relationship with her, when she shows an attraction to him, despite their parents also dating. Eli tries to end their relationship, but soon tries to help save it because he wants Clare to be happy.
James Tiberius "J.T." Yorke Ryan Cooley 1–6
He was Toby Isaac's best friend. He was known as the class clown who got into trouble frequently at Degrassi, but he eventually matures. It is revealed that he thinks he has a small penis in season 4, and is caught using a pump in his bedroom by Manny Santos, his girlfriend at the time. Towards the end of season 4, he starts dating Liberty Van Zandt and gets her pregnant in season 5, after using a king-sized condom that slips off. He breaks up with her because of how controlling and demeaning she becomes, but he gets back with her after he realizes he loves her and wants to have the child. He began stealing and selling oxycodone from the pharmacy he worked at, to make money for Liberty and the baby. He tries to commit suicide by overdosing on the drug, but he survives. Liberty ultimately breaks up with him and puts the baby up for adoption. He starts dating Mia Jones in season 6. After Liberty tells him she still loves him at her birthday party, he rebuffs her and she storms off. He soon tells Toby that even though he thinks Mia is great and he likes her a lot, he still likes Liberty and tries to look for her, but he is stabbed by a student from Lakehurst High School before he can tell her. His aorta is punctured and he dies that night, leaving Manny, Sean, Liberty, Emma, and Toby to find out about his passing first. A school memorial is built in his name, and when his class graduates, Toby, Manny, Liberty, and Emma place a graduation cap on his memorial and flip the tassel, signaling that he has "graduated" along with their class.
  • Only appears in the first half of season 6.
Anastasia "Jane Vaughn" Valieri Paula Brancati 7–9
Anastasia "Jane Vaughn" Valieri arrives at Degrassi after the Lakehurst fire. Her brother is Lucas Valieri, father of Mia's daughter, although she prefers that people do not know they are siblings. She also becomes best friends with Holly J. Sinclair. Gavin "Spinner" Mason immediately develops an attraction to her, and they eventually start dating. She joins the all boy football team in season 8, and is ridiculed by many of the teammates and the coach. It is revealed that her father molested her when she was a child, after he comes to visit her and her family. She breaks up with Spinner after she finds out that he didn't tell her the truth about not getting into the police academy. She is even more angry with him after he proposes to her in front of an audience. They get back together after she remembers how supportive he is of her playing football, although she tells him no marriage until after college. She joins Clare's protest to get Principal Sheppard fired for calling Clare a bitch. She becomes the lead singer for Spinner's band Studz in season 9 after Peter gets kicked out for using meth. She starts cheating on Spinner with Declan Coyne until Holly J. convinces her to break up with Declan. She breaks up with Declan and never tells Spinner. She graduates Degrassi in season 9. In the film Degrassi Takes Manhattan, Spinner overhears Jane and Holly J. talking about when Jane cheated on Spinner, resulting in their ultimate break up. Holly J. and Declan invite her to travel to New York City with them in order to cheer her up, where she becomes the lead singer of the band Flashin' Midnight, but eventually loses her spot to the band's ex-singer. After discovering that Spinner and Emma are getting married, she travels back to Toronto to try to change his decision, but she decides to let them get married and gets closure. She then leaves to attend Stanford University in California.
Jason "Jay" Hogart Mike Lobel 3–4, 8–9 (recurring); 5–7 (regular)
He is known as a rebel and a bully at Degrassi, often torturing other students such as Toby Isaacs and Rick. He is involved with several illegal and inappropriate activities, such as stealing from Degrassi in season 3. He dates Alex Nuñez from seasons 3–4. Emma contracts gonorrhea after giving him a blow job to get back at Alex. He breaks into a pawn shop in season 7 to retrieve his mother's ring for his ex-fiancée Manny Santos. They get back together during the film Degrassi Goes Hollywood, and are briefly seen together at Jane's housewarming party in season 9. He appears in "Degrassi Takes Manhattan" by Manny's side, and officiates at Spinner and Emma's renewal of vows at the end of the film.
  • Did not appear in the opening credits during season 3–4, yet still played a major role.
Jenna Middleton Jessica Tyler 9-present
She plays guitar and sings, and is a member of the Power Squad. She becomes close with Clare, making Alli jealous until Jenna informs her she wants to be friends with her too. She tells them that she was known as a boyfriend stealer at her old school. She develops an attraction to K.C., and although she promises Clare she'll stay away from him, K.C. breaks up with Clare for Jenna, ending her friendship with Clare and Alli. She starts taking diet pills in order to lose weight and fit into her Power Squad uniform for the calendar, but ends up suffering from anal leakage, and stops. After taking a pregnancy test, she realizes she is actually pregnant, K.C. being the father, and is too far along to abort. K.C. breaks up with her, leaving only her and her brother to take care of the baby. She enters a talent competition, and despite revealing her secret to the world, she is voted off. She reunites with K.C. Her water breaks during the Spring Dance, and she gives birth to her baby that night. Jenna is tried of taking care of Tyson by herself, and they move in with K.C. and his mother, but this leads to tension, and the breakup of the two.
James "Jimmy" Brooks Aubrey Graham 1–7 (regular); 8 (guest appearance)
He comes from a wealthy family, and is often seen with expensive clothes and gear. He is Gavin "Spinner" Mason's best friend, though the two fight frequently. He dates Ashley until she takes ecstasy and cheats on him at a party. She eventually goes Goth and they get back together, but she breaks up with him after she realizes that he prefers the old Ashley. He dates Hazel Aden from seasons 3–5 until he reveals to her that he has feelings for Ellie. Rick shoots him in the back, which causes him to use a wheelchair throughout the rest of the series, who was tricked into thinking Jimmy pulled a prank on him by Spinner and Jay, resulting in Jimmy ending his friendship with Spinner until season 6. His dad tries to put him in handicap basketball, but Ellie helps Jimmy discover his artistic talent. He graduates Degrassi in season 7, a year later then planned because of the time he had to take off due to the shooting, and therapy. He starts to pursue a career in music that blossoms when he rekindles his relationship with Ashley, but they ultimately break up when her musical talent is ignored by a friend of Ellie's, who takes interest into Jimmy's talent. He starts dating Trina in season 7, who is another physically challenged individual. He is briefly seen being there for Spinner after he doesn't make it into a police academy. He also reveals that he is contemplating proposing to Trina, showing Spinner a sign that he needs to move on with his life.
John George "Johnny" DiMarco Scott Paterson 6–7 (recurring); 8–9 (regular); 10 (guest appearance)
He was introduced as one of Nic's thugs from Lakehurst in season 6. He helped beat up Toby, and was present when Drake Lempkey killed J.T., although he was surprised by Drake's action and was not prosecuted, since he was just a witness. He attends Degrassi after the Lakehurst fire. He becomes best friends with Bruce the Moose, and the two are often seen torturing other students at Degrassi. He developed a rivalry with Gavin "Spinner" Mason, and they get into a fight which is taped and posted online. Alli Bhandari develops an attraction to him and asks him out, but he rejects he because she's in the ninth grade. He starts going out with her and eventually takes her virginity, claiming that she took his too. She breaks up with him because of the discomfort, but they get back together when he tells her he wants to wait until she's ready again. Alli starts "sexting" him in season 9 when he doesn't allow her to be affectionate with him in public. He breaks up with her after she reveals a picture of him holding a teddy bear to the entire school. Angry, he sends a nude picture of her to Bruce the Moose. He reveals that he found a genital wart on his penis and that Alli was not the first girl he had sex with. Although he tells her that she is the only girl he's been with that he's liked, she ultimately breaks up with him, saying that she refuses to go out with someone she can't trust. He graduated Degrassi at the end of season 9, and attends the University of Toronto, where Alli confides in him.
Katie Matlin Chloe Rose 11-present
An athlete who has no clue when it comes to love, she is the editor of the school newspaper and initially refuses to let Clare join the writing staff. She starts dating Drew, as she teaches him to deal with his anger. It is revealed that she is bulimic, a secret only known by her best friend, Marisol. She becomes student council president.
K.C. Guthrie Sam Earle 8-present
He's smart, short-tempered, and becomes a member of the basketball team. He befriends Connor and Alli, and develops an attraction to Clare, who crushes on him as well, but she tells him she's not ready for a relationship. It is revealed that he lives in a group home, which makes Clare feel a little uncomfortable, but they start dating. Jenna develops an attraction to K.C., and although she promises Clare she'll stay away from him, he breaks up with Clare for Jenna, leaving her angry at both of them. Coach Carson develops an interest in him, which initiates a friendship between the two, until the coach tries to set K.C. up with a prostitute. K.C. shows Archie and the principal the coach's gun and he is quickly arrested. K.C. joins the football team. His mother is released from prison, and eventually proves to him that she has changed, and he decides to move into her apartment. He is very supportive of Jenna when she tries out for a talent competition, and is seen bragging at school about her. He says that he finally has a "normal" life, but when Jenna tells him that she is pregnant, and that it is too late for an abortion, he ends their relationship. Eventually, he realizes that he's not over Jenna and tells her that he wants to be involved with the baby's life and the two get back together. After Tyson is born, he applies for a job at Little Miss Steaks, and Jenna and the baby move in with him and his mother. He starts a relationship with Marisol, causing his breakup with Jenna.
Kelly Ashoona Evan Williams 8 (regular); 9 (guest appearance)
He attends Smithdale University and rooms with Emma, Manny, and Liberty. He starts dating Emma after he nullifies the no dating roommates policy. He takes the blame for Emma when she bakes weed brownies and is forced to leave the residence hall. He breaks up with her on a cycling tour, after his dad offers him a job, and because she becomes too controlling and demeaning.
  • Only appears as a regular in season 8.
Leia Chang Judy Jiao 8–10
She transferred to Degrassi from a ballet school. She becomes friends with Mia until discovering that Mia was performing sexual acts to advance her modeling career, resulting in Leia ending their friendship. She was the ultimate factor in Danny and Mia's breakup, telling Danny what Mia was doing for her job. She eventually develops a relationship with Danny, and lies about knowing the band Fall Out Boy to impress him and his friends. He confronts her and tells her that he loves her for who she is, and they have a fresh start. Leia asks Chantay how to rekindle her romance with Danny, so Chantay advises her to break up with him, and that he'll come crawling back to her. Afterwards, Danny asks Chantay out on a date while Leia is heartbroken. Chantay asks Leia to stop by the date and talk to Danny, but Danny reveals that he has feelings for Chantay, resulting in their ultimate breakup.
  • Although given star billing for 24 episodes in season 10, she only appeared in 2 episodes.
Liberty Van Zandt Sarah Barrable-Tishauer 1–8 (regular); 9 (guest appearance)
She is a smart and highly ambitious student at Degrassi, and is active in student council and extracurricular activities. After developing a crush on J.T. Yorke since the beginning of the series, they finally start dating in season 4. He gets her pregnant in season 5 after using a king sized condom that slips off, and she plans to place it for adoption. Although he breaks up with her because she becomes too controlling and demeaning, he still tries to help her through her pregnancy, and they eventually get back together and plan to raise the child together. But after J.T. becomes a drug dealer then attempts to commit suicide by overdosing on the drugs he stole, she breaks up with him and decides to put the baby up for adoption. In season 6, J.T. and Manny Santos plan a birthday party for Liberty, which she decides to attend. Although J.T. is already dating Mia, Liberty tells him that she still loves him, but he declines and tells her he loves Mia, and she storms out of the party. After admitting to Toby that he does love her, he tries to find her in an attempt to tell her, but he is stabbed by a student from Lakehurst. His aorta is punctured and he dies that night. Afterwards, she refuses to cry because she is in shock, but she finally cries during his memorial held at Degrassi. She develops feelings for Damian Hayes, who develops feelings for her as well. They share a kiss at prom, initiating Damian's cheating on Emma, who ultimately breaks up with him. Although she continues dating Damian, her friends forgive her and they graduate Degrassi together in season seven. She attends Smithdale University and rooms with Emma, Manny, and Kelly in season 8. She tries to get a sorority, but she rejects the offer when she finds out that she was just their "token black chick." She is now in a new sorority, and briefly appears in the film Degrassi Takes Manhattan.
Manuela "Manny" Santos Cassie Steele 1–9
Born in Manila, Philippines, she is a Filipino girl who struggles to define herself throughout the series, and is often criticized by students at Degrassi and her father for her promiscuity. She is best friends with Emma Nelson and they often fight, but eventually make up. She becomes pregnant with Craig's baby in season 3 and opts for an abortion after deciding that she's not ready to be a mother. At the end of season 3 she begins to date J.T., but they break up in season 4 because Manny believes that J.T. is too immature. She starts dating Spinner for a short time in season 4 until she finds out that he is the reason for Jimmy's confinement to a wheelchair. In season 5, she rekindles her relationship with Craig and continues dating him while he's in Vancouver. She discovers his cocaine addiction when he returns in season 6, and decides to try it to fit in with his friends. She ultimately breaks up with him when he chooses cocaine over her. She forms a fake relationship with Jay Hogart to get freedom from her parents in season 7, resulting in them actually falling for each other, and their fake engagement turns into a real one. She breaks up with him when he calls her a bitch, after he breaks into a jewelry store to steal the engagement ring she pawned off. She graduates Degrassi in season seven, and attends Smithdale University, rooming with Emma, Liberty, and Kelly. She develops feelings for Kelly and battles Emma for him, but eventually lets Emma have him. In the film Degrassi Goes Hollywood, she goes on a road trip with Emma, Kelly, Sav, Danny, Peter, Mia, and ex-boyfriend Jay Hogart to audition for a role in Jason Mewes's directing debut film Mewesical High. Although Paige scores the role first, much to Jason Mewes and Kevin Smith's discomfort, Paige is eventually fired and decides to help Manny score the role instead. She rekindles her relationship with Jay during the film, and appears at Jane's house warming party in season 9. In the film Degrassi Takes Manhattan, she encourages Emma to listen to her heart and eventually supports her decision to marry Spinner.
  • She is one of four original characters to remain on the show until season 9.
  • Although credited as a regular in Season 9, she only appeared on 1 episode and Degrassi Takes Manhattan.
Marco Del Rossi Adamo Ruggiero 2 (recurring); 3–7 (regular); 8–9 (guest appearances)
First appearing as a great dancer in season 2, he becomes the love interest of Ellie until he reveals to her that he is homosexual. They form a fake relationship to mask his homosexuality. After coming out to his friends in season 3, he becomes alienated by Spinner, who cannot get over the discomfort, but he eventually accepts it and remains Marco's friend. He becomes a victim of a hate crime after being gay bashed by a group of men while en route to a hockey game. He develops a crush on Paige's brother, Dylan, and they eventually start dating. He comes out to his mother in season 4, but doesn't come out to his father until season 5. Dylan cheats on him in season 4, but they get back together. They ultimately break up in season 6, after Dylan decides to play hockey in Switzerland. He graduates Degrassi in season 5 with the class of 2006. He attends Toronto University and rooms with Ellie, Paige, and Griffin. He is faced with the idea of male prostitution by a friend in season 7, but he turns it away. He almost has sex with Ellie, which forms a minor feud between the two, but they eventually make up. After rooming together for a year, Marco, Ellie, Paige, and Griffin decide to move out, and go on with their lives. In the film Degrassi Goes Hollywood, Paige invites him and Ellie to visit her in Los Angeles after she scores an acting career. After getting into a fight with Paige for becoming a diva, she smacks him and he storms away, possibly ending their friendship. After discovering that Ellie's father is back from Afghanistan and suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder, he tries to convince her to see him, but she refuses. He finally convinces her and they both decide to visit him. He briefly appears in season 9 as a student teacher, and struggles with the decision to give Holly J. and Declan more time to complete their essay.
  • Did not appear in the opening credits during season 2, yet was still a major character, along with Ellie.
Marisol Lewis Shanice Banton 10 (guest appearances); 11–present (regular)
A cheerleader and a waitress at Little Miss Steaks, Marisol shows K.C. how to have fun, but leads to him cheating on Jenna. Marisol and K.C. end up not staying together, but not until after his relationship with Jenna is ruined. She goes back to focusing on her long-time crush on Drew, who ends up with her best friend, Katie.
Mia Jones Nina Dobrev 6 (recurring); 7–8 (regular); 9 (guest appearance)
It is revealed in an episode that she had a child with Lucas Valieri when she was thirteen years old. She is a teenage mother who transferred to Degrassi from Lakehurst in season 6. Her daughter is Isabella "Izzy" Jones. She starts dating J.T. Yorke in season 6 until he is stabbed to death by a Lakehurst student. She becomes involved with Lucas, her child's father, in season 7, but they ultimately break up after he refuses to accept the parenting idea. After posing with quarterback Danny at a pep rally in season 8, she is offered a modeling career. She starts dating Danny and becomes friends with new student Leia until Leia discovers that Mia has been performing sexual acts to increase her modeling career, ultimately ending her relationship with Danny and her friendship with Leia. She starts dating Peter, but they break up after discovering that he's not over Darcy. She drops out of school and continues her modeling career because of the stress of maintaining both, but she decides to finish school and cut down on modeling instead. She rekindles her relationship with Peter after she realizes that he truly cares about her. She accepts a modeling contract in Europe in season 9 and has to move. Peter intends on moving with her until he gets involved with crystal meth, resulting in her ultimately breaking up with him and moving to Europe without him, although she confronts him via live video chat and tells him she worries about him.
  • Did not appear in the opening credits during season 6, yet was still a major character.
Owen Milligan Daniel Kelly 10 (recurring); 10-present (regular)
Owen is one of Riley and Drew's teammates on the football team, and helped Riley haze Drew. Owen is homophobic when finding out Zane, a kicker on the team, is gay. At a semester-end event he offered to pay Alli $50 to hook up with him, but Drew stops him before anything happens. He then starts having feelings for Anya, but she feels uncomfortable, and accidentally gets Owen kicked out of CPR class. He starts to date Anya after they have a one-night stand.
  • Added to the opening credits in the second half of the tenth season.
Paige Michalchuk Lauren Collins 1–7 (regular); 8 (guest appearances)
She is a popular student at Degrassi who often says harmful things to other students. She is raped by Dean in season 2. She loses her trial against him in season 4 due to lack of evidence. As an act of revenge, she intentionally crashes Spinner's car into Dean's and loses her license. She breaks up with Spinner after dating him from seasons 3–4. She begins a rocky lesbian relationship with Alex in season 5. She graduates Degrassi in season five with the class of 2006. Although she is high on marijuana during an interview with a representative from Banting University, she is accepted. She drops out of Banting University in season 6, because of the stress. She rooms with Ellie, Marco, and Griffin afterwards. She starts a low-level job at a fashion designer company in season 7. After sleeping with roommate Griffin, she discovers that he has treatments for HIV. He confronts her afterwards and tells her that he was born HIV positive. Although they used a condom, she is asked to wait 6 months to hear if she is tested positive or not. Paige, Marco, Ellie, and Griffin decide to move out and go on with their lives. In the film Degrassi Goes Hollywood, she is seen working for a snobby reality television star in Los Angeles. After she scores the main role in Jason Mewes's directing debut film 'Mewesical High', she invites Marco and Ellie to visit her in Los Angeles. After fame starts to get into her head and she becomes a diva, Marco tells her off about her attitude, resulting in her smacking Marco, possibly ultimately ending their friendship. She loses the part because of her behavior, and becomes Jason Mewes's assistant during the movie. Her part is given to Manny Santos.
Peter Stone Jamie Johnston 5–10
He is Mrs. Hatzilakos' son. He attends Degrassi after years of homeschooling. In season 5, he takes advantage of Manny after she becomes inebriated and films her baring her breasts. He eventually uses the footage to get revenge on Manny by emailing it to the entire school. He starts secretly dating Emma after the situation, but breaks up after he blackmails Sean by storing drugs in his locker in season 6. He starts dating Darcy, although he almost risks her life by selling risqué photos of her to an Internet stalker. He supports Darcy after she is raped in season 7. He forms the band The Stüdz with Sav and Danny to keep himself occupied after school. After discovering that his mother is moving to Regina, he emancipates himself from his parents and lives on his own to stay with Darcy at Degrassi. In season 8, Darcy reveals that she is moving to Kenya to rebuild her spirit and breaks up with him. He develops feelings for Mia and eventually start dating. He befriends Riley and is the first to discover his homosexuality after he tries to kiss Peter. Mia breaks up with him after discovering that he is still in contact with Darcy, but they get back together after she realizes that he truly cares about her. Mia reveals that she is moving to Paris, France in season 9 after signing a modeling contract in Europe. He intends to move with her until he becomes addicted to crystal meth after being humiliated at Declan and Fiona's party, resulting in their ultimate break up and his separation from The Stüdz. He forms a club called 'Above The Dot' that features live band performances for kids who cannot get into bars, in order to raise money for college. He rejoins the band Janie and the Studz, but the band breaks up during the film Degrassi Takes Manhattan. In the first half of season 10 he appears to have a server position at The Dot.
Riley Stavros Argiris Karras 8-11
He is a member of the football team and is credited for Degrassi's first win. Riley struggles with his sexuality and he unsuccessfully tries to kiss Peter, confirming his homosexual tendencies. However, Peter understands and they eventually become best friends. He starts taking steroids in order to make himself attracted to girls, but he eventually quits. He starts dating Fiona, but she eventually realizes he's struggling with his identity, so she breaks up with him. Riley is attracted to a lifeguard who was also gay. But, still struggling, he punches the lifeguard in anger and is forced to take anger management classes. Riley seemingly becomes comfortable with being gay when he develops feeling for Zane, an openly gay student at Degrassi. After Zane invites him to an LGBT mixer, he decides to go, and they spend the summer together. However, Riley is still uncomfortable with the student body knowing his sexuality. Drew then overhears a conversation and blackmails Riley into giving him the quarterback position on the football team. Riley takes Zane's side later on, and tries to teach the football team to be more sensitive. He struggles with becoming the first openly gay football player, but finally accepts it and kisses Zane in the hallway soon after. His mother walks in on him and Zane kissing, but she refuses to accept it and is in denial even after he tells her that he is gay. He breaks-up with Zane after deciding that he would rather have a "normal" relationship with his parents.
Savtaj "Sav" Bhandari Raymond Ablack 7 (recurring); 8-11 (regular)
Alli's older brother. He becomes the object of many girls' affection in season 7. He reveals to Mia that he has never kissed a girl. After teaching him "the ropes behind kissing," he mistakes her lessons as affection and eventually discovers that he likes Anya. He forms the band The Stüdz with Peter and Danny. He starts dating Anya despite his Muslim upbringing, and they break up and make up several times. He joins the football team and fights teammate Riley after discovering that he is dating Anya. Anya convinces him to have sex in the limo at spring formal after his arranged wife visits. He breaks up with her after she reveals to him that she lied about taking birth control, claiming that he cannot trust her. After Janie and the Studz break up, he decides to compete against Holly J. for student council president. Holly J. convinces Anya to fake pregnancy in order to drop Sav out of the election, but her plan backfires after they rekindle their relationship and use the fake pregnancy to their advantage, scoring him the role. Anya ultimately breaks up with him after he refuses to tell his mother about their relationship. When he wins four backstage concert passes and his father refuses to let him go, he steals his father's truck, the police catch him on the way back. He begins to secretly date Holly J., but the secret does not last long. Holly J. tells Sav's parents that they are dating in hopes of using them to break up with Sav. Sav tells Holly J. that his parents have encouraged him to date her, but she still breaks up with him because she isn't in love with him. Hoping to get over Holly J., he attends a Keke Palmer concert where she invites him on stage.
  • Did not appear in the opening credits for season 7, but was still a major character along with Anya.
Sean Cameron Daniel Clark 1–4, 6 (regular); 7 (guest appearance)
He has a violent past and is sent to Toronto by his parents to keep him out of trouble. He develops feelings for Emma and they date through seasons 1–3. She breaks up with him in season 1 after he pushes her while he's in a fight with Jimmy. He kisses Ashley the night she takes ecstasy. He gets back together with Emma in season 2 after realizing that he needs her. He breaks up with her in season 3 after he befriends Jay Hogart and Alex Nuñez. He starts dating Ellie after spending time together in Saturday detention. He emancipates himself after his brother moves to Alberta. Ellie moves in with him after her mother catches their apartment on fire because of her alcoholism in season 4. He saves Emma's life after he tries to wrestle a gun out of Rick's hand, causing the gun to go off and shoot Rick, killing him. He visits his parents in Wasaga Beach with Ellie, Jay, and Emma, and decides to stay after his parents explain to him why they sent him to Toronto, resulting in his and Ellie's break up. He returns to Degrassi in season 6, but is put in jail after a drag racing accident. He rekindles his relationship with Emma and decides to move in with her. After discovering that Emma gave Jay a blow job while he was gone, he freaks out and leaves, but decides to stay after wanting to work it out. He decides to join the army instead of attending college, and leaves for training, resulting in his and Emma's ultimate breakup. He visits Emma in season 7 and reveals that he is being sent to Afghanistan for the war.
  • Only appears in the first half of season 4.
Gavin "Spinner" Mason Shane Kippel 1–9
Nicknamed 'Spinner' because of his ADHD, Gavin is a hyperactive student and is known as the school bully in season 1. He is the adoptive brother of Kendra Mason. He alienates Marco after discovering his homosexuality, but eventually accepts Marco's sexuality and even helps him hook up with Dylan. He dates Paige from seasons 3–4. She breaks up with him after he gets into a fight with Craig over Manny, and causes her to lose her job as well. He starts dating Manny Santos until she breaks up him after he reveals that he is the cause of Jimmy's confinement to a wheelchair. He is expelled from Degrassi after he confesses to the principal that he bullied Rick before the school shooting. He returns to Degrassi in season 5 and starts dating Darcy, who helps him become a born-again Christian. He breaks up with her because of her hypocritical behaviour. He is diagnosed with testicular cancer in season 7 and goes through a period of reckless behaviour because of his fear of dying. He rebuilds his spirit after he starts dating Jane and pursues operation. He graduates Degrassi in season 7. He is shot during a burglary at The Dot in season 8, but he quickly recovers afterwards. In the film Degrassi Takes Manhattan, he overhears Jane and Holly J. talking about when Jane cheated on Spinner, resulting in him ultimately breaking up with her. After Emma accidentally catches The Dot on fire, causing him to fall into an even deeper depression, she takes him to a casino. After they win over $2,000 at a casino, they get drunk and get married. After several attempts to get a divorce, they realize that they do love each other and have a celebration to recommit their vows.
  • He is one of four original characters to remain on the show until season 9.
Theresa "Terri" McGreggor Christina Schmidt 1–3
Daughter of a widowed father, she is insecure about her overweight appearance, but her career as a plus-size model improves her self-image. She starts dating Rick Murray in season 3, who becomes abusive and eventually pushes her down, causing her head to hit a cinder block. She goes into a coma and eventually recovers, but she is transferred to a private school in Toronto.
  • Although she is credited as a regular in season 3, she only appears in 7 episodes out of 22.
  • She is the first original character to leave the show.
Tobias "Toby" Isaacs Jake Goldsbie 1–5 (regular); 6–7 (recurring); 8 (guest appearance)
The stepbrother of Ashley, and J.T.'s best friend. He is an intelligent student and known as a geek because of his interest in computers and anime. He suffers from bulimia when he joins the wrestling team in season 2. He starts dating Kendra Mason, the younger sister of Spinner, but they break up over the summer before season 4. He befriends Rick Murray before the school shooting, and decides to attend his funeral. He is deeply affected by J.T.'s death in season 6, and grows a disliking to all Lakehurst students in season 7. He is Jewish, and it is revealed that his grandparents died in The Holocaust. He develops a crush on Holly J. while tutoring her, but rejects her after she asks him out because of her insecure reputation. He graduates in season 7 and makes a guest appearance as a host of a robot war in season 8.
  • Did not appear in the opening credits during seasons 6–7, yet was still was a major character.
Wesley "Wes" Betenkamp Spencer Van Wyck 9 (guest appearance); 10-present (regular)
Best friend of Connor and Dave. He appears in season 9 after Clare bites him on the neck while playing Seven minutes in heaven. He becomes a flautist in "The Three Tenners", with Connor and Dave. He turns to Drew for advice on how to be cool and win a date with Anya MacPherson, his secret crush. Dave tases him after he tells his new "friends" that Dave's dad is a cop as payback for being ditched. He then tries to break a world record, but fails and breaks his hand, but gets a girlfriend, Hannah, in the process.
Zane Park Shannon Kook-Chun 9–10 (recurring); 10-11 (regular)
Zane Park is an openly gay student at Degrassi Community School who is first introduced in season 9. It is shown he is attracted to closeted student Riley Stavros, throughout his first appearance he breaks Riley out of his shell, and dances with him at an LGBT mixer. After a summer together, Zane signs up to be the kicker on the football team in hopes of making football something he and Riley can do together, angering Riley, who is worried his teammates will find out about his sexuality. Zane continues to convince Riley to control his anger, and to be totally open, resulting in him accepting a football scholarship, and openly kissing Zane at school.
  • Added to the opening credits in the second half of the tenth season.

Teachers and other adults

Name Actor Seasons Featured
Archibald "Archie" "Snake" Simpson Stefan Brogren 1-present (regular)
A student in the previous series and has become a teacher and eventually the principal at Degrassi. He marries Christine "Spike" Nelson in season 2 and becomes Emma Nelson's stepfather. Spike gives birth to their son Jack in season 3. He was diagnosed with cancer, but eventually goes into remission. He was seen kissing Mrs. Hatzilakos by Emma in season 5, and briefly separated from Spike until they make up. He is falsely accused of inappropriate behaviour in season 7 by Darcy Edwards, and is briefly suspended from Degrassi. He becomes the principal in season 10 after Mrs. Hatzilakos leaves Degrassi.
  • He has been a regular in every season of the Degrassi franchise.
Caitlin Ryan Stacie Mistysyn 1–2 (recurring); 3–5 (regular); 7 (guest appearance)
A prominent TV journalist, she had a long on-and-off relationship with Joey in the previous series. She dates Joey from seasons 3–4 until she breaks up with him to accept a position at a nationally syndicated news magazine. She is caught kissing Ellie's boyfriend in season 7, but did not know about their relationship and apologizes.
  • Although she is credited as a regular in season 5, she only appears in 3 episode out of 19.
Daniel "Dan" Raditch Dan Woods 1–4 (regular)
An English teacher in Degrassi Junior High and assistant principal in Degrassi High, he is the principal from seasons 1–4 until he transferred out of Degrassi because authorities felt he mishandled Rick's bullying situation before the school shooting.
Daphne Hatzilakos Melissa DiMarco 2–4, 9 (recurring); 5–7 (regular); 8 (guest appearance)
The old Science Teacher at Degrassi from seasons 2–4, she becomes the principal of Degrassi from seasons 5–7 after Daniel Raditch is transferred out of Degrassi, until she moves to Regina. She is the divorced mother of Peter Stone. She returns in season 9 as acting principal after The Shep is fired. She is no longer principal in season 10, and the reason is unknown.
  • Did not appear in the opening credits for seasons 2–4 and 9, yet was still a major character.
Joseph "Joey" Jeremiah Pat Mastroianni 1 (guest appearance); 2–5 (regular)
A student of Degrassi in the previous series. He is the father of Angela and stepfather of Craig Manning, and the owner of a used car dealership. He starts dating Sydney in season 3, but eventually breaks up with her for Caitlin Ryan. He dates Caitlin from seasons 3–4 until Caitlin accepts a position at a nationally syndicated news magazine.
  • He does not appear in season 6, although he is mentioned.
Christine "Spike" Nelson Amanda Stepto 1–2 (recurring); 3–7 (regular); 8–9 (guest appearances)
A student at Degrassi who gave birth to Emma Nelson in the previous series, she is a hairdresser and marries Archie "Snake" Simpson. She gives birth to their son in season 3. She briefly separates from Snake in season 5 after Emma catches him kissing Mrs. Hatzilakos, but they eventually make up.
  • Although she is credited as a regular in season 7, she only appears in 3 episodes out of 24.
Winnie Oh Cory Lee 10-present (regular)
The media immersions teacher, many students at Degrassi find her attractive. Dave tries to win her attention, but is unsuccessful. Sav meets her after school, and they get to be on a first name basis.

Minor characters


Name Actor Seasons Featured
Christopher "Chris" Sharpe Daniel Morrison 3–4
An aspiring DJ introduced in season 3, he starts dating Emma Nelson after Sean breaks up with her, but they break up after she tries to get Sean in trouble. Liberty Van Zandt develops a crush on him, but they do not date.
  • Seen in the opening credits from seasons 3–5, but was not credited.
Dean Walton Shawn Roberts 2, 4 (guest appearances)
A student at Bardell, he rapes Paige Michalchuk in season 2. He returns to Degrassi for a sports competition and is threatened by J.T. and Spinner after hearing about the incident. After Paige loses her court trial against him, she smashes Spinner's car into his. He threatens to tell authorities, but she stands up to him and tells him that she's going to confess.
Dylan Michalchuk John Bregar 3–6
The older brother of Paige Michalchuk. He was an openly gay student at Degrassi who starts dating Marco Del Rossi in season 3. He graduates in season 3 as well. He cheats on Marco and breaks up with him in season 4, because he wants an 'open relationship', but they get back together in season 5 after he returns from college. He leaves to play hockey in Switzerland in season 6, and tries to keep in contact with Marco, but Marco breaks up with him.
  • Did not appear in the opening credits at all, but was 'starring' in over 20 episodes throughout his four season run.
Eric Dwain Murphy 6–7
He works at The Core with Ellie and Jesse. He goes on a date with Marco Del Rossi in season 6, but Marco is not interested. They eventually start dating after Marco breaks up with Dylan. Marco asks him to move in after Paige plans to move out, but he denies. After Marco and Ellie almost have sex, he does not find out, but it is unrevealed whether they continue dating.
Griffin Pierce-Taylor Nathan Stephenson 7
The new roommate of Paige, Ellie, and Marco introduced in "Love is a Battlefield." He is very involved with music, and tried to help Jimmy Brooks make it big in the music industry, but is unsuccessful because Griffin is just trying to make a name for himself. Marco begins to crush on him, but he tells Marco to leave him alone because he is not gay. In the episode "Talking in Your Sleep," Griffin has sex with Paige, after which Paige discovers that Griffin was born with HIV.
Heather Sinclair unseen character 1–11
Heather Sinclair is the nemesis of myriad characters, primarily her female classmates, and most significantly Paige Michalchuk. She follows in the long tradition of unseen characters on television series characters who are repeatedly mentioned, eventually becoming too exaggerated to ever be accurately portrayed. Heather is the elder sister of Holly J. Sinclair.
Jesse Stefanovic Steve Belford 6–7
The former editor at The Core, the campus newspaper where Ellie Nash works. The two eventually begin to date, which sees tension when Ellie admits to kissing Craig Manning and Jesse admits to having an affair with a woman at a bar. After a short breakup, the couple reunite, only to break up once more after Ellie catches Jesse kissing Caitlin Ryan in season 7.
Kendra Mason Katie Lai 2–3
Gavin "Spinner" Mason's younger, adopted sister. She dated Toby for a time until he became too clingy. She is an anime fan and a fund raiser organizer. She was introduced in season 2 and remained a recurring character in season 3. Toby wanted to be prepared if he ever wanted to have sex with her so he brought the "stuff" to school. He got in trouble with Spinner, but was then approved by Spinner. Toby and Kendra broke up over the summer; no reason was given. She is not seen at Spinner's wedding to Emma.
  • Seen in the opening credits from seasons 3–5, but was not credited.
Linus Ishan Davé 5 (guest appearances)
Linus is the leader of the Degrassi Friendship Club in season five. He is a Christian who believes in abstinence and the Bible. He befriends Spinner only to brainwash him into following him in his beliefs after confronting Spinner on his past. At a safe sex seminar, Linus verbally bashes Marco and turns the situation violent when Marco argues back because of his homophobia.
Lucas Valieri Marc Minardi 7–8 (guest appearances)
Lucas is a former Lakehurst student, introduced in season 7 and is good friends with Johnny DiMarco. He is also Jane Valieri's brother and is Mia Jones's former boyfriend and father to her daughter, Isabella. Returns in "Jane Says" and learns what his sister went through as a child.
Mark "Fitz" Fitzgerald James Edward Campbell 9–10

Fitz is the school bully. In season 9 he starts calling Riley gay while he is questioning his sexuality. In season 10 he starts to bully Adam after he found out from Bianca he had a girl's body. Even though Fitz starts to understand Adam, he still treats him like he would a girl, causing Adam to punch him and try to pick a fight. Fitz ends up only fighting Eli, and the fight gets interrupted by Clare's stink bomb evacuating the school. Eli then convinces Principal Simpson that it was Fitz who released the stink bomb, and gets Fitz in trouble. Then, Fitz threatens Eli with a knife, causing him to be arrested, and Principal Simpson promising sweeping changes for Degrassi Community School. He returns, trying to make amends with Clare and Eli, and revealing he has become a Christian.

Richard "Rick" Murray Ephraim Ellis 3–4
Rick starts a relationship with Terri, but goes on to abuse her, leaving her in a coma. He leaves the school, only to come back in season 4. Throughout Degrassi, he is harassed and hated. Paige and Emma start a "yellow ribbon campaign" in order to get back at him, aiming to drive him out of the school. After Rick wins a trivia game show with Emma, Jimmy, and Toby, he is drenched in yellow paint and feathers. Later, he returns to school armed with a Colt 1911 handgun. He kisses Emma, claiming that she loved him, but she rebuffs him and coldly says that she only pitied him. He then approaches Paige with the intent of shooting her, but refrains after she expresses sympathy for him. After overhearing Spinner and Jay, who were behind the prank, deliberately say that Jimmy was responsible, Rick shoots Jimmy in the back with his eyes closed. He almost shoots Emma, but Sean stops him and the gun ends up firing, killing Rick by accident.
  • Didn't appear in the credits at all, but was 'starring' in 10 episodes throughout his 2 season run.
Trina Terra Vnesa 7–8 (guest appearances)
Trina is a young woman whom Jimmy meets in physical therapy, she is introduced in season 7. Like Jimmy she is physically disabled although she has learned to accept that she is, she also helps Jimmy do this throughout the season. Later on in the season the two begin dating, she also convinces Jimmy to get stem cell surgery with her over the summer. Along with Jimmy, Trina returns in season 8 during Spinner's congratulations party. In a deleted scene, Jimmy proposes to Trina and she accepts.

Parents, teachers, and other minor characters

Name Actor Seasons Featured
Angela Elizabeth "Angie" Jeremiah Alex Steele 1–5
Daughter of Joey and the late Julia Jeremiah; half-sister of Craig Manning through their mother Julia. She appears in episodes involving Joey or Craig, and was the one who revealed Craig's injuries to Joey, which were caused by Craig's father. Emma Nelson is her babysitter in season 2 and, by implication, season 1.
Audra Torres Ramona Milano 10-present
Mother of Drew and Adam Torres, she is mostly seen in episodes centering on Drew or Adam. Throughout the first half of season 10 she continually shows her disproval of Principal Simpson, particularly after her sons are harassed at school. It is revealed that she is on the school board, and after the events of the semester end event, Mr. Simpson promised sweeping changes to Degrassi Community School.
Coach Armstrong Michael Kinney 1-present
Coach Armstrong is the mathematics teacher for all grades at Degrassi, and shows he's dedicated to his job by taking time out to tutor students who are having trouble in the course. This dedication started to spawn rumors that he and Liberty Van Zandt were having an inappropriate relationship, when the real reason behind Liberty's tutoring is that she had the learning disability, dyscalculia. Coach Armstrong coaches the boys' sports teams and takes an active part in Degrassi's sports program.
Mrs. Bhandari Mishu Vellani 8-present
The traditional mother to Sav and Alli. Appeared in episodes centering on Sav or Alli.
Coach Carson Damon Runyan 9
Coach Carson was a new basketball coach in season 9. He was last seen being taken into police custody after K.C. told teachers Carson was in possession of a gun.
Chantel Sauvé Jennifer Podemski 2-10
The guidance counselor at Degrassi. She helped Paige through her rape, students following the school shooting, Liberty during her pregnancy, Darcy overcome her rape, Ellie with her cutting, and Riley with his anger issues.
Dom Perino Tom Melissis 2-present
A Social Studies teacher at Degrassi Community School, who is very strict. He can be viewed as being more strict than Ms. Kwan, and has a resemblance to Craig's deceased father. He believes some students damaged his car and blamed and threatened Derek. Derek feels uncomfortable and unwelcome and is driven out of the classroom. He walks away and informs Mr. Simpson which causes an investigation against Mr. Perino.
Jeff Isaacs Nigel Hamer 1–2
Jeff Isaacs is the father of Toby Isaacs, stepfather of Ashley Kerwin, husband of Kate Kerwin, and ex-husband of Anne Marie Isaacs. He is seen throughout seasons 1 and 2, arguing with his ex-wife or appearing in episodes centering on Toby or Ashley.
Kate Kerwin Maria Ricossa 1–4
The mother of Ashley Kerwin and wife of Jeff Isaacs, she divorces from her husband after learning of his homosexuality and had cheated on her. She's shown in episodes, scolding or disciplining Ashley or Toby Isaacs, her stepson.
Mrs. Kwan Linlyn Lue 1–9
Mrs. Kwan is the English and night school teacher at Degrassi and is known to be strict. She briefly left Degrassi to take care of her sick husband, but eventually returned. She breaks down when Spinner and Jimmy throw eggs at her car.
Lara Coyne[2] Joy Tanner 9-present
The wealthy mother of Declan and Fiona. Has appeared in episodes centering on Declan or Fiona.
Matt Oleander Christopher Jacot 4–5
A teacher's assistant to Mr. Simpson, as well as a yoga instructor at the school. A relationship began between Paige Michalchuk and him, and after attempting to keep the relationship a secret, the couple was found out by the school board, and Matt was consequently fired from his position. He was last seen before moving to Vancouver to become a house painter.
Principal "The Shep" Sheppard Kevin Jubinville 8–9
Principal Sheppard (a.k.a. "The Shep") was the principal of Lakehurst. When Ms. Hatzilakos leaves Degrassi to tend to her sick mother, Principal Sheppard becomes the principal of Degrassi. He cares only for the jocks and cheerleaders. This is evident by the fact that he does not want Jane Vaughn to play on the football team because she is a girl, and when she does, he ignores the abuse the other teammates give her. Clare Edwards exposes what a terrible principal he is at assembly by showing a tape of "The Shep, Principal of the Year" displaying his disregard of children who are different and he is sent to sensitivity training. He returns to Degrassi, and doesn't seem to cause anymore controversy. When Ms. Hatzilakos returns she assumes the role of principal, and The Shep loses his job.
Scott "Tracker" Cameron Kristen Holden-Ried 1–3
Sean Cameron's older brother. Sean and Tracker used to share an apartment together in Toronto, but after accepting a job offer in Alberta, left Sean alone in the apartment to pay for and take care of himself.
